In the past supply of the products are  low and most of the products could easyly find a customer. But nowadays product life cycle is low and finding a customer for a product could be hard. Customer Acquisition Cost ( CAC) of the companies increasing. Price is the one of the most important factor for the buying decision of the customer. (Electronic) E Price Analysis is the cheapest  way of analysing prices from the market.

How You Could Do E Price Analysis ? 

  1. Define your products
  2. Define your competitors ( E-commerce)
  3. Define the products links(points) from your competitors
  4.  Check this points regullarly get the data
  5. Visualise the data by using graphs
  6. Make your pricing accourding to the market dynamics and your pricing policy

This could be hard if you are doing this dailly or weekly to automate the process you could use EPA .You could check our service prices from here

What Are the Benefits of E Price Analysis ?

If your customer penetration good enough  imagine the posibilities bellow ;

  1. By decreasing prices by optimization accourding to market. You could easyly increase your turnover.
  2. Increacing the prices by optimization accourding to market. You could easyly increase your margins.
  3. E Price Analysis supports your pricing policy
  4. With reliable prices you could increase your customer penetration.
  5. It gives you oppotunity to make dynamic pricing.
  6. You could be more competitive

This list could be longer but these are main  benefits…